Bouquet of roses at home. Bouquet of 3 Roses. Free Delivery
  • Bouquet of roses at home. Bouquet of 3 Roses. Free Delivery

did you know that...? Red roses symbolize passionate and eternal love as well as respect, white roses evoke innocence, purity and maternal love and pink roses, romantic and polite love and gratitude. Do you want to choose the color of our 3 roses bouquet? It's easy, when placing your order choose the rose color option you want.

FloreStore tip: As one of the flowers of love, our 3 roses bouquet is perfect for anniversaries and special dates to celebrate with your partner. In addition, it is part of our series of Bouquets of Rosesdo you dare?


Data sheet

two feet.

Bouquet 3 Roses

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1 Destination
From 27€ Iva incl.
Color of roses: Red

Productos seleccionados

Bouquet 3 Roses Red

From 27.00 €

From 27.00 €
Tax included

Any questions? 935 955 525

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