bouquet of red roses
  • bouquet of red roses

Twelve Natural Red Reds

If roses speak of something, it's love, that's why all our Bouquets of Roses carry the "Made with Love" seal. We make your bouquet of twelve red roses with top quality roses and with all our love, so that whoever receives it knows how important it is to you.

In the purchasing process you can choose the color of roses you want, red, pink, white or yellow (the yellow color in summer is not available)

Dozen Rojas Unbeatable price

Send a dozen roses at the best price. Assured success. Love, live, dream and leave the rest in our hands.

Remember that you can personalize the bouquet with some nice words, in the purchase process you can write the message.


Bouquet 12 Roses

Select destination for total price

1 Destination
From 55€ Iva incl.
Color: Red

Productos seleccionados

Bouquet 12 Roses Red

From 55.00 €

From 55.00 €
Tax included

Any questions? 935 955 525

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  Florists for 20 years

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  Fresh flowers, superior quality

Selected at the world's finest flower markets

  Secure payments

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