Bouquet de roses i Gerro / Ram de Roses / Lliurament Gratis
  • Bouquet de roses i Gerro / Ram de Roses / Lliurament Gratis

did you know that...? For its elegant and distinguished appearance, for its delicate aroma - which is different depending on the varieties - and for its meaning in the language of flowers, the rose causes a sensation whatever the occasion in which we give it as a gift. If you send our Bouquet 12 roses & vase, you have a guaranteed success.

In the purchasing process you can choose the color of roses you want

FloreStore Guarantee: All our arrangements are 100% original and exclusive. We design them personally, thinking about both the occasion and the location where the recipient will place them. The Bouquet 12 roses & vase, for example, we like to preside over a coffee table, a sideboard or a hallway furniture.


Bouquet 12 Roses & Vase

Select destination for total price

1 Destination
From 65€ Iva incl.
Color of roses: Red

Productos seleccionados

Bouquet 12 Roses & Vase Red

From 65.00 €

From 65.00 €
Tax included

Any questions? 935 955 525

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