Red Roses Bouquet for the Deceased
  • Red Roses Bouquet for the Deceased
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did you know that...? In prehistoric times flowers were already used to honor the deceased, as shown by pollen findings in several Paleolithic tombs. At FloreStore we continue the tradition by making special Bouquets for Deceased special bouquets, such as the 10 red roses bouquet.

FloreStore Services: We offer a personalized and careful service for the delivery of bouquets of flowers for the deceased with sober and elegant arrangements such as our red roses bouquet

Funeral Bouquet 10 Red Roses

Select destination for total price

1 Destination
From 80€ Iva incl.
Color of roses: Red

Productos seleccionados

Funeral Bouquet 10 Red Roses Red

From 80.00 €

From 80.00 €
Tax included

Any questions? 935 955 525

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