White Daisies Bouquet
We have created this bouquet of white daisies keeping the essence of daisy flowers and enhancing its country style with ornamental green branches(green may vary according to availability and season) in green color contrasts with the white color of the daisies. Undoubtedly a simple bouquet, very chic and rabidly modern.
Normal Size (5 stems daisies and ornamental greens)
Medium Size 10 Stems Ornamental Daisies and Greens
Large Size (15 stems of daisies and ornamental greens)
Symbol of purity and innocence, natural white daisies are a simple classic and, at the same time, elegant and tasteful. Send flowers all over Spain with FloreStore.
Make it more special: chocolates, a bottle of champagne, a bottle of red wine, a cuddly toy, a special message, gift wrapping and, above all, your love. At FloreStore we have everything to make your bouquet of white daisies simply unforgettable. Can we help you?
You know what you want and you want it at the best price, right? At florestore we have prepared a daisy bouquet with a reasonable price. A bouquet with volume that combines the freshness and simplicity of daisy flowers, it is perfect if you want a country and natural bouquet. See how it looks at home and the warm touch it brings to the room.
If you want a bouquet of natural white daisies with a lot of style, look no further!
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